The Unified English Braille (UEB) code includes symbols to do math. In the US, people can also use a code called Nemeth Braille.
Math in UEB
Here are the braille numbers again:
Here are some math symbols in the UEB code.
Did you notice that these symbols each take two cells to write? With the numbers and symbols, students can read and write math problems.
Math in Nemeth Braille
Many years ago there was a blind man named Abraham Nemeth who wanted to go to college and take math classes. He needed a way to write math problems in braille because, at that time, the braille code did not have characters for writing symbols we use in math like the ones shown above. So, he invented his own braille code and it was named after him.
Some braille readers use the Nemeth code when they are in math class. As in UEB, the numbers in the Nemeth code are written by putting a number sign in front of the first 10 letters of the alphabet, but the numbers are “dropped.” They are in the bottom part of the braille cell.Do you know what these numbers are?
Check the answer key to see if you’re correct. Braille readers, right-click here to download braille-ready files of the same numbers.
Here are some other math symbols in the Nemeth code.
In Nemeth code, the “×” and “÷” each take two cells to write. With these numbers and symbols students can also read and write math problems. Note that in this code, the number sign only needs to be used at the beginning of the parts of the math problems that don’t have spaces between the braille symbols.